The Wombles Community Charity

Contact us

Litter Picking

If you are a local litter-picker and want to find out who your local Wombles group is, or you are already part of a litter-picking group who would be interested in becoming an official Wombles group, please contact us to register your interest.

We ask for your patience as we are currently piloting this litter-picking scheme with a select number of groups. We will announce our official launch in due course.

If you would like to contact us please email: or click the button below.

Contact us


If you are an environmental educator and you are interested in donating your expertise to our educational initiatives, or a school/educator looking for more information about our work, please get in touch.

If you would like to contact us please email: or click the button below.

Contact us

General Enquiry

If you have an enquiry about anything else, please use this form to submit your question. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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