The Wombles Community Charity


Here you will find all of our Guideline Documents for Wombles Community Groups

About Our Guidelines

We have put in place a number of Guidelines which we expect all licensed groups to comply with.

These Guidelines may be updated from time to time and the latest version of each of the
Guidelines is available on the Charity’s website at

All words and expressions defined in the License Agreement between the licensed group
and the Charity have the same meaning when used in the Guidelines.

In addition: “The Charity” means The Wombles Community Charity” a charitable incorporated organisation registered charity with company number CE031874 & charity number 1202563.

“Wombles intellectual property” means all intellectual property owned or controlled by
WCHL, WOL or the Charity, including the Mark and the Materials.

If there is any conflict between the Guidelines and the License Agreement, the License
Agreement will prevail.


We have put these Guidelines in place in order to ensure that The Wombles intellectual
property is used properly and appropriately in connection with any group name used by any licensed group.

You can find them here


We have put these Guidelines in place in order to ensure that The Wombles intellectual
property is used properly and appropriately in connection with any merchandising activities.

You can find them here


We have put these Guidelines in place in order to ensure that The Wombles intellectual
property is used properly and appropriately in connection with any sponsorship

You can find them here



For safety guidelines and best practices for litter-picking activities, please refer to our Safety Guidelines here.

If you are looking for more information, you can refer to our partner, Keep Britain Tidy’s,  ‘Beginner’s Guide to Litter Picking‘.

PR & Press Guidelines for Wombles Groups

We have put these Guidelines in place in order to ensure that The Wombles intellectual
property is used properly and appropriately in connection with any press and PR opportunities organised by a licensed Wombles Group.

For guidelines on how you can publicise your efforts as a Wombles Group, please refer to our PR & Press Guidelines here.