The Wombles Community Charity

Aylesbury Wombles’ 2023 Roundup

The Aylesbury Wombles had a busy year in 2023. Not only did their litter collecting carry on as usual, but they also helped at local events and in educating local children; they talked to over 3,000 children about the impact of litter and the importance or reusing and recycling in their fun and interactive workshops.

In June, they undertook a sponsored 24-hour litter pick collecting nearly 300 bags of litter over 390 volunteer hours, raising over £2000 for a local children’s charity.

In August, they handled waste and recycling management at a local music festival weekend. Did you know… the national average for rubbish to be recycled at a festival is 32%… but the Aylesbury Wombles managed to achieve 54%. They hope to beat this in 2024.